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Greeting from the Dean

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Globalization is advancing throughout our lives at an unprecedented rate. Global progress means multidimensional competition and cooperation. Improving our understanding of various cultures and mutual interests, we can acquire the knowlegde and skills needed to become global citizens in the 21st century.


The core mission of our Office of International Affairs is to raise the Globalization Quotient of Dong-A students.


First of all, the student exchange program will give you a lifelong, meaningful experience . Participation in our student exchange program will benefit you if your goal is to learn a new language or advance in the study of your major. Dong-A University has prepared an exchange program that meets your needs by expanding exchanges with Central Asia and ASEAN member countries and maintaining the existing exchange program locations such as North America, Europe, China, and Japan.


The Office of International Affairs hopes to promote globalization on campus as well. Through social interactions between international and local students, both will mutually benefit by developing a better understanding of what it means to be a global citizen. To achieve this objective, Dong-A University has expanded the programs for international students from Korean language courses to the admission for undergraduate, master's and doctoral programs. We are recruiting excellent international students from all over the world while expanding classes offered in English and Chinese. By cultivating relationships among people from different cultures, we hope to create a more prosperous future.


The Office of International Affairs supports your dreams!


Min Hong, Oh

Dean, The Office of International Affairs

August, 1, 2020

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